
Meet Mr. Landman

Jonah Landman is the voice of BK to the fullest. I ran across his blog while searching for information on the Brooklyn Housing market. More so, how various Brooklyn natives are reacting to the new population migrating towards the borough. According to Landman, buying...

Shift in Popular New York Neighborhoods

Previously, Midtown and Midtown South of Manhattan were thought of as the hot real estate neighborhoods in New York City.  The locations were central, and gave both renters and office leaser’s exceptional access to the city.  However, according to an article recently...

Supposedly Affordable Neighborhood Increasing in Price

Due largely to the forty one billion dollar affordable housing plan proposed by New York City Mayor de Blasio, East New York is supposed to be one of the most affordable neighborhoods to rent or buy. It is scheduled as the first of fifteen proposed sites to be...

Manhattan Real Estate Demands Not Being Met By Supply

Both prices and statistics continue to climb in the housing market for Manhattan.  The number of people demanding dwellings within the city is high and space is limited, resulting in inflated prices and rampant success for the housing market.  An article completed...

Not Even Walkers Will Live in These Zombie Foreclosures

A term has emerged in the real estate community entitled “Zombie Foreclosures.”  This phrase is applied to homes where the residents have filed for foreclosure; however, since the time of filing, the inhabitants have vacated the premises.  This results in an empty and...

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