A home inspection is a process through which a licensed home inspector searches for any issues in a property and gives an assessment of what needs to be fixed and replaced in the house. This step is imperative in the home buying process and could ultimately save buyers a lot of money. On that premise, here is a list of things that can cause a home inspection to fail.

Not Having Proper Drainage Systems 

When houses do not have a proper drainage system, significant water damages occur. Indeed, when water does not drain away from the house foundation, the settlement will have cracks, the crawl space will be damp, and the house foundation might even move.

Plumbing and pipes issues

Another common issue that causes a home inspection to fail is having pipes that leak and plumbing problems. If not correctly fixed, leaky pipes and plumbing issues could cause rot and mold to spread throughout the house.


Many people turn a blind eye when it comes to house mold without realizing how harmful it can be to their overall health. Any type or form of mold can cause headaches, respiratory problems, and irritation in the skin, to name just a few. It is also worth mentioning that mold is not always present in plain view with a distinct odor, so it might be hard to locate. For that reason, inspecting the house for mold is certainly crucial.

Termites and Rotting Wood

When mold issues are not adequately treated, termites will be attracted, which could, in turn, affect the wood in the house. Other factors that could affect the wood in the home are moisture and age. That being said, as such issues can cause a home inspection to fail, inspectors usually look for exposed wood throughout the house to know if they are present or not.

Security and Safety Features

In addition to the above, when searching the property, inspectors also make sure that the locks for windows and doors are properly working and enough carbon monoxide and smoke detectors inside the house.