NYC MicroApartments

NYC MicroApartments

As society advances, we find that our world is becoming smaller and more efficient. The same is happening to the real estate market. Micro-apartments, small, single-room apartments, are becoming a popular trend in large cities around the world who face issues of a...

3 Reasons Why You Should Work With a Real Estate Agent

  They’ll Get in Touch For You Buying or selling a home takes tremendous coordination. Real estate agents have the experience you don’t, the ability to devote work hours to your case, and business contacts with other agents. Without an agent, you need to contact...
The First Steps in Moving to NYC

The First Steps in Moving to NYC

New York City is the center of big dreams and an even bigger standard of living. Many pick-up and move to NYC without properly preparing for the longevity of living in the city. There are many ways to set yourself up for success when wanting to take the plunge and...
VR is Changing Real Estate

VR is Changing Real Estate

The newly introduced, commercial technology of virtual reality is starting to spread into other markets. Specifically, real estate is beginning to utilize virtual reality to its advantage. Real estate groups are now using virtual reality to help potential buyers find...
Should I Live in East Manhattan?

Should I Live in East Manhattan?

Life in East Manhattan has been glamorized throughout the decades as ideal, everyday New York City living. The East Village and the Lower East Side, are prime locations for affordable living in the heart of the city. There have been some changes to this part of NYC...