Outdated Design Trends

Outdated Design Trends

On the internet, one can observe how quickly home decor trends take hold and proliferate. Thanks to the influencers of television and social media, trends like the “modern farmhouse” start to feel like universally accepted design wisdom. But everything...
Tips for Home Pest Control

Tips for Home Pest Control

Pests are such a huge menace in our homes. Every year, they cause millions worth of damage to properties, especially those made of organic material, such as wood and paper. As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to keep your house free of common pests that infest...
Is Now a Good Time to Buy?

Is Now a Good Time to Buy?

According to an April Gallup poll, only 50% of Americans believe now is a good time to buy. Also cautious about the current market, a National Association of Home Builders economist doesn’t expect a rebound in home purchases until after the COVID-19 crisis is curbed....
How To Do A Deep Spring Cleaning

How To Do A Deep Spring Cleaning

During the springtime, the flowers are in bloom, and the birds seem to be singing sweeter songs. For many, this fresh new season is the perfect time to perform a deep cleaning around the home. It can be a considerable undertaking that leads to stress. However, it...
How to Buy Art For Your Home

How to Buy Art For Your Home

Buying art can be an intimidating process, especially if you have never done it before. However, just because the experience is new doesn’t mean that you should settle on a cheap piece of art from the nearest big-box store. Check out these tips for buying the right...
Co-op Apartments: Pros and Cons

Co-op Apartments: Pros and Cons

Living in the city is exciting. From the bright lights to endless activities, there’s always something to see and do. However, finding a place to live isn’t always as entertaining. It often costs more than owning a house. People who are looking for a place...