The First Steps in Moving to NYC

The First Steps in Moving to NYC

New York City is the center of big dreams and an even bigger standard of living. Many pick-up and move to NYC without properly preparing for the longevity of living in the city. There are many ways to set yourself up for success when wanting to take the plunge and...

New York City is on Fire!

The temperatures are extremely hot outside and the real estate industry in burning up in New York City. According to various records this week, records have been made in both residential and commercial sectors of the industry. “Axiometrics, a housing market...

Supposedly Affordable Neighborhood Increasing in Price

Due largely to the forty one billion dollar affordable housing plan proposed by New York City Mayor de Blasio, East New York is supposed to be one of the most affordable neighborhoods to rent or buy. It is scheduled as the first of fifteen proposed sites to be...

Former New York Governor Expanding Family Real Estate Business

After an unsuccessful attempt to run for city comptroller, Eliot Spitzer, former New York Governor, rejoined his family real estate business.  Since then, he has been working to develop the business, with a focus on building and developments.  Late last year, Spitzer...