A starter home is just as it sounds, a young couple’s first home that is relatively small and economical. All around the United States, people buying a house for the first time usually have been saving up to put a decent down payment on a home they can afford. This...
New York City is known for its high rents and standard of living. That’s why the old song says you can make it anywhere if you can manage in the Big Apple. However, most people probably couldn’t guess which neighborhood is home to the wealthiest people....
In New York City there’s always something interesting happening in the real estate scene. New construction is constantly changing the face of the city. Here are five real estate projects that are being talked about with anticipation in 2019. Waterline Square is a...
Experts are predicting real estate development will continue to rise in 2019. However, the consensus is that it will only flourish in certain areas of the country. Prices are hiking in some major cities, so where exactly are the good real estate deals in 2019? America...
From Manufacturing 4.0 to Customer Service 4.0 to Hospitality 4.0, there are few (if any) sectors of industry that are not being significantly impacted by technology. The real estate industry is no exception. From smart homes to online listings and even mortgage apps,...